Free Bird Walk with Mt. Tam Science Quest | October 5, 2024

8:00 AM 2023 Rock Spring Trailhead • Mt. Tam State Park, sponsored by Yellowbilled Tours and Friends of Mt. Tam group Early Bird Gets the Worm Tour.

Birding early in the morning around the Rock Springs habitat is both peaceful and exciting. In 2023, we observed 34 species; in 2022, at Mt. Tamaalpais Science Quest, we observed 31 species. This is the third year of the Science Quest event. Each year, we add a few new species.

Go to this link to register:

Views from Mt. Tam
A clear day on Mt. Tam we should see many raptors

A Friends of Mt. Tam Citizen Science project with Yellowbilled Tours.

Trip Details

Start date:
September 23, 2023
End date:
September 23, 2023
Mt. Tamalpais
Mt. Tamalpais