Plan to arrive in Albuquerque, New Mexico, no later than the evening of Monday, May 13th. 2025. I will have your room book your Monday night stay in the Airport Best Western Inn, Albuquerque, New Mexico. The field trip begins May 14th with a Tuesday morning breakfast in the hotel. The field trip ends on Sunday, May 19, 2025, at 5 PM at Albuquerque Airport. Should you intend to stay overnight on Saturday, you must reserve accommodation in Albuquerque.

New Mexico is a spectacular state with astonishing ecological diversity–wet and dry habitats, wide-open blue sky, eastern plains, grasslands, mountain ranges exceeding 12,000 ft. elevation with wonderful Aspen forests, deep canyons, plus pine and juniper forests situated on the spine of the Continental Divide. Birding in New Mexico offers bird species found west of the Continental Divide–Pacific Flyway and bird species from east of the Continental Divide–Central Flyway, contributing to an impressive birding experience. Spring migration through the Rocky Mountains will be underway. Birds will be making their way to the northern nesting grounds. I will bring the latest field guides for you during the trip. Bring your camera to take advantage of this field trip’s many photo opportunities. I will bring a 60 Power Swarovski Scope for the journey to share. We do not get dirty on this trip, but bring a fleece vest and light rain cover. Townsend’ss solitaire

Day 1 Tuesday Albuquerque, NM.
Albuquerque warms up quickly, so we begin our field trip with a 6:00 AM breakfast, and we’ll be on the road by 7 AM. We’ll begin by birding the irrigated alfalfa fields and the Bosque south of Albuquerque, which is now a National Wildlife Refuge – Valle del Oro. Here, we will seek early spring migrant raptors, woodpeckers, tanagers, and flycatchers. As the temperature becomes warmer,we’ll move on to Mt. Sandia 10,500’’ elevation) in the Cibola National Forest to search for Pinyon Jay, Townsend’ss Solitaire, both Mountain and Western Blue Birds, Grace’ss Warbler, and Red-backed Dark-eyed / Gray-headed Junco(s). After lunch, we will make our way up the back side of the mountain to Sandia Crest to look for Pine Siskins, Pygmy Nuthatches, Red Crossbills, Clark’ss Nutcrackers, possible Gray-crown Rosy Finch and up to four species of hummingbirds. Using New Mexico State Highway 14, The Turquoise Trail, we’ll drive to Santa Fe to our Best Western hotel and have a group dinner.

Day 2, Wednesday Sante Fe, NM. Our destination is the Audubon Canyon Ranch in Santa Fe. After an early start,we’lll bird along the riparian and mountain path above the ranch, seeking bothVirginia’ss Warblers,Grace’ss Warblers,Clark’ss Nutcracker, Juniper Titmouse and Summer Tanager. A late lunch in Santa Fe along Canyon Road is a relaxing treat. Taos will be our destination after lunch.We’lll begin birding along the way when we enter the Rio Grande River Gorge.We’lll search for Rock and Canyon Wren, Sage Thrasher, Plumbeous Vireo, and Black-Chinned Sparrow. Reaching Taos in the late afternoon,we’lll bird Taos within the city limits, taking some time to bird a local park for Tanagers, Orioles, Vireos, Common Nighthawks, Swifts, and Sapsuckers.We’lll check into our Taos hotel, using the same lodging for three nights, and take a rest before meeting for mid-evening dinner at El Meze, with its patio facing the13,160’’ Wheeler Peak.

Day 3 Thursday, leaving Taos after an early breakfast, we will bird the Rio Grande Bridge State Park, which rises 565 ft. above the river and is at 6000 ft. elevation. There, we may see raptors, Golden and Bald Eagles, American Kestrel and possible Prairie Falcon, Scaled Quail, Sage Thrasher, and up to five sparrow species: Rock and Canyon Wrens, scores of Western Tanagers, and the Gray Flycatcher.We’lll purchase our lunches to picnic in a higher elevation aspen forest, yielding a Dipper, plus five species of warbler and Western Flycatcher ( formally the Cordilleran Flycatcher). Here, we may find the Interior West group of White-breasted Nuthatch, Lincoln Sparrow, and Hepatic Tanager. Returning to Taos, relaxed, stopping at interesting habitats or in the historical square.We’lll have dinner in Taos. This field trip does not visit the Taos Pueblo.

Day 4 Friday,  Birding Taos and local areas not yet covered.We’lll bird backroad areas with some historical and cultural appeal while seeking species such as Red Crossbills, Evening Grosbeaks, Yellow-breasted Chats, and others. You can also have some afternoon downtime to walk around old Taos and its historical sites.

Day 5  Saturday, leaving Taos, we have another early start driving to eastern New Mexico.We’lll bird the Angel Fire/Eagle Nest area as we approach the eastern grassland (short-grass prairies) high plains. In route,we’lll be seeking Raptors, Sparrows, Finches and possibly Red-crossbills, Pinyon Jays, Eastern Kingbird,Cassin’ss Sparrow, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, and Canyon Towhee and arriving at the Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge for lunch.We’lll search for Burrowing Owls, Great Horned Owl, Solitary Sandpiper,Baird’ss Sandpiper, White-faced Ibis, Blue-winged Teal, Lark and Lazuli Buntings. Several species of sparrow; Vesper, Chipping, Clay-colored,Brewer’ss, Lark, and Grasshopper plus Yellow-headed Blackbird are all possible. Also, if US-FWS opens a new area, we may see Northern Bobwhite, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Cordilleran Flycatcher, and other oak woodland species. We travel to Las Vegas New Mexico.

Day 6: Saturday morning, we bird the Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge and U.S. National Park Pecos National Historical Park. We will stop for lunch as we travel back to Albuquerque Airport. The field trip ends at 6PM Saturday in the Albuquerque Airport or a hotel of your choosing. 

If you are not flying home on Saturday evening, you must reserve a room for yourself.

Contact Rich Cimino at 925-353-0266 or to reserve a space. Space is limited to 6 birders. This field trip goes with three birders with a fee adjustment. Rich Cimino is your guide; the fee includes auto transportation, fuel, lodging, and field guide services. Airfare and meals, beverages and hotel rooms for Sunday May 5th or Saturday May 11th are not included.

Field Trip Registration: By contacting Rich Cimino at

The field trip begins on Monday at 7:00 AM, Tuesday, May 14th. Albuquerque, NM., in the Best Western Airport Inn and ends in Albuquerque at 5 PM on Saturday afternoon, May 18th. You need to arrive by the evening of Monday, May 13th, 2024, and stay in the Best Western Airport Inn – not covered in the field trip fee. Yellow-billed Tours will host a get-to-know-your dinner (local Mexican Cuisine).
The field trip costs $3600.00 with four to six attendees, for three attendees $4200.00 and two attendees TBD. The cost does not include airfare, meals, beverages, or hotel on Monday, May 12th, or Saturday, May 17th.
Registration form on request. To confirm return registration with $2600.00 deposit payable to Yellowbilled Tours. The balance of $1000.00 is due March 15, 2025. A $650 administration fee will be charged if you cancel within 75 days after registering. If you cancel after the balance is paid, there can be no refund unless a replacement can be found. 

Client Testimonials:

May 2024 Client Tetimonial

I had a fabulous trip with Rich in Northern New Mexico in May of 2024. Not only is he a knowledgeable birder, he also knows the history and culture of this part of New Mexico. We visited wonderful birding areas, such as the Randall Davey Audubon Center out of Santa Fe, walked the high trail there, and birded the top of Mt. Sandia. The trip included many different habitats, giving us a great overview of this part of New Mexico. And on top of it, we had fabulous New Mexican meals!

Bonnie of West Yellowstone, Wy.,I’mm very glad I could take this trip with Yellow-billed Tours!

Rich, IT WAS WONDERFUL BIRDING TRIP. Thanks for the tutorial of how to better use the eBird App, I feelI’mm a better birder after all your instructions. I was want to thank you for great hotels which add to the trip with restful night sleep.


May 2022 Cliet Testimonial

Thi is my fourth trip with Yellowbilled Tours, and once again, I had an incredible experience.  From the lowlands of the Rio Grande to the mountains above aos and everywhere birdy in between, Rich took us to many places with lots of great birds.  If you go on a YBT trip to New Mexico, you see lots of birds and sights such as histor  pueblos, plazas, churches, the acequias,  d enjoy good food with a congenial tour group.  You will even see roadrunners (meep meep)!  The last entry in my notebook is”“What a fine birdy tri”” sodon’tt miss out, take a YBT trip.   – Jane H.,  allejo, CA May 2022

Thank you, Rich, for expanding my bird repertoire and observing skills. Ididn’tt rea ize before that New Mexico had so many different environments wi h unique bird communities. High peaks, desert, riparian, and pine forest were so different  Rich blazed a winding path around New Mexico, and we observed so many personal life-birds. I am still processi  what we saw, andRich’ss humor and sto ies fill the quiet, in-between moments on the road.  May 2 22

AllenBurrough’ss Orleans Cal. 20 2

This is my second field trip with Yellowbilled Tours. The first fie d trip was to Belize. This year the New Mexico was everything I e pected from a field trip. Rich starts with an introduction dinner which warms the  roup up. The birding locations and s ecies are specific and are in sync with the itinerary. Lodging and meals are all top notch. The field trip pace was relaxing allowing time to study new species, take photos and discuss with other attendees.

Kent Mac Donald and Betty Smith,  May 2019

Dear Rich,
Thank you for all the wonderful birding and all the extras too.
It was a great week in New Mexico and I enjoyed every day of it.
Loved all the different locations, habitats and restaurants you took us.I’vee added several life birds on this trip and of course for the state too.
Wen y,
California, 2017

Rich, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the recent trip in New Mexico. Birding was excellent with 10 new life bird  for me. It is amazing to see the variety of habitats that New Mexico has to offer birders. And you can be counted on to show participants enjoyable side adventures through little known areas that are productive for birders as well as a treat for sightseeing in general.
Tom 2014
Hi –
I have just return d from a most interesting, rewarding and very exciting t ip birding in Northern New Mexico. I love New Mexico and have visited on several occ sions. This time my friend and I decided to take the Yellowbilled Tours birding field trip. Rich Cimino is an excellent leader and tenacious when it comes to  inding and focusing on the bird – he does everything except climb a tree to find the birds. Our first day we had very close views of Red-crossbills a life bird for me.
Other life bir s were Pinyon Jays and Ferruginous Hawk on the ground and a flock of 40+ Evening Grosbeaks. Everyday brought ne  discoveries both of birds and animals. Of particular interest was Maxwell Wildlife Refuge. We ended the trip with a Roadrunner on a grassy strip at the Albuquerque airport.
Beth and Lyann 2017

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