March 8th, 2025 – Belize Tropical Birding Field Trip limited to Six birders per trip using a ten-passenger van for your comfort.

March 8th, 2025 – Belize Tropical Birding Field Trip limited to Six birders per trip using a ten-passenger van for your comfort.

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] The Jabur largest Western Hemisphere bird has been seen on all of our field trips. Want to see what our clients think about this trip? Check out our most recent tropical birding trip client testimonials. Check out the Belize and Guatemala 2023 bird species field trip lists. Clicking these links should download Word…

April 1, 2024, Birding Panama in a Small Group

April 1, 2024, Birding Panama in a Small Group

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.11.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.11.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.11.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.11.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”] April 1, 2024, Birding Panama in a Small Group. Field trip includes the Pipeline area, the Summit Lake region, Panama City foothills and upland of the Cerro Punta. Two 2024 extensions are offered.1.) The Caribbean Coastal habitats – start April…

April 1, 2025, Birding Panama in a Small Group. The field trip includes the Pipeline area, the Summit Lake region, Panama City foothills, and the upland of the Cerro Punta.                                                                    One 2024 extension is offered to                                                     1.) Exciting Darin Lowlands of Panama 2025                           Registration is now open for up to 8 birders. Contact Rich Cimino for itinerary and cost 925-353-0266 or

April 1, 2025, Birding Panama in a Small Group. The field trip includes the Pipeline area, the Summit Lake region, Panama City foothills, and the upland of the Cerro Punta. One 2024 extension is offered to 1.) Exciting Darin Lowlands of Panama 2025 Registration is now open for up to 8 birders. Contact Rich Cimino for itinerary and cost 925-353-0266 or

Panama a new field trip offering from Yellowbilled Tours.

March 10th, 2025 – Belize Tropical Birding Field Trip limited to Six birders per trip using a ten-passenger van for your comfort.

March 10th, 2025 – Belize Tropical Birding Field Trip limited to Six birders per trip using a ten-passenger van for your comfort.

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] The Jabur largest Western Hemisphere bird has been seen on all of our field trips. Want to see what our clients think about this trip? Check out our most recent tropical birding trip client testimonials. Check out the Belize and Guatemala 2023 bird species field trip lists. Clicking these links should download Word…

Birding Panama field trips January 19, 2025 Add and three day of birding in the lowlands of the Drien District which connects to Columbia.

Join us on this exciting field trip. The itinerary offers birding with local guides in various beautiful habitats. We will have plenty of eyes working to maximize the number of bird sightings. Janet and I scouted this trip this past winter and had a wonderful time finding 372 birds’ species. Registration is open so register…

May 6, 2024, Wisconsin, Birding selected hot spots for Spring migration focused on Warblers, Vireos, Thrushes, Sparrows and Whooping Crane Chase

May 6, 2024, Wisconsin, Birding selected hot spots for Spring migration focused on Warblers, Vireos, Thrushes, Sparrows and Whooping Crane Chase

Birding Wisconsin, with its many upland and wet habitats, is a great experience during spring warbler migration. You arrive on Monday May 6th. The field trip starts Monday morning May 6th ending Friday May 10th., with a Friday afternoon airport drop off.  Friday night hotel is not part of the field trip. This is a…

April 15th-18, 2025: Texas, 4 Days of Birding the Upper Texas Coast during Spring Migration. This is a focused field trip to selected hot spots for arriving migrants.

                        Upland Sandpiper                                                                                  …

May 13, 2025, New Mexico Southern Rocky Mountains and High Plains, Birding during Spring Migration. Reservations are being accepted for the 2025 field trip. The field trip is filled – closed. A May 2025 tour is planned.

Birding New Mexico, the terminus of the southern Rocky Mountains, to witness the spring migration into Mexico is a field trip to remember.

12/1/2024 Guatemala Birding in the Tropics A Unique Small Group Opportunity

Registration is open:  Contact Rich Cimino cell 925-353-0266 or email: Birding in Guatemala has much to offer and is a perfect first tropical birding adventure, with many varied habitats.  Guatemala is a small country, about 42,043 square miles (108,890 sq km), about the size of Tennessee. Mexico, Belize, and Honduras border Guatemala. Many birders…

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