The Jabur largest Western Hemisphere bird has been seen on all of our field trips.

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Check out the Belize and Guatemala 2023 bird species field trip lists. Clicking these links should download Word documents to your computer. If they don’t automatically download, just right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) and select an option to download.
March 10th, 2024 Belize Tropical Birding.
Belize is an amazing tropical birding trip destination. Here, you’ll find more than 580 species of birds in an area the size of Massachusetts. This makes Belize the perfect birding and bird photographing destination. With Yellowbilled Tours, we offer a small group venue with many varied habitats for birding. A week-long itinerary with us commonly produces a trip list of over 300 tropical bird species. English is the main language of Belize.
2023 Field trip was successful. Here are a few brief testimonials;
I am still catching up on all the photos I’ve take, It was a good trip, an interesting mix of individuals, I had a great time. I saw and checked off many life birds. Best, David Sexton, Novato, Ca., 2023
There is nothing like seeing a rare falcon perched on a thousand-year-old pyramid for a memorable birding experience. This is my second birding tour with Yelowbilled Tours into Belize and Guatemala. My first tropics field trip with YBT was in 2018, Ilike the small group venue. John York, Lincoln, Ca. March 2023
Belize 2023 Year List – eBird Open the link to for review of the species seen on 2023 field trip.
I certainly learn a lot during this field trip, not only the birds, but the people of Belize, with so many habitats. Guatemala, The Tikal National Park was incredible the Myan Temples, their culture along with the birds we saw made this a remarkable field trip. I plan to return with YBT in 2024. Lowell Sykes, California, 2023
My trip was a wonderful experience. The group was great and I made new friends. I added 53 new species to my life list. Although there were expected situations. they were quickly resolved. I would recommend Yellowbilled Tours to my birding friends wanting to bird this area. Thanks. Andy Garcia, San Antonio, TX., 2022
Wow, really terrific trip…”120” lifers! You and Janet really did a wonderful job. Jim Ross-Oakdale, California
The field trip was more than we expected. We had great accommodations throughout the field trip. Jim and Patty Crumpler, California

Here’s a partial list of the wonderful bird species you can photograph and add to your life list:
- Jabiru
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Lesson’s Motmot
- Woodcreeper species
- Russet-naped Wood-Rail
- Yucatan Jay
- Bat Falcon
- Orange-breasted Falcon (Tikal)
- Agami Heron
Belize is an English-speaking country making travel much easier for North American travelers who are not bilingual. Yellowbilled Tours uses local Belize guides on portions of the field trip, supporting local eco-tourism. In addition, we also use locally-owned lodges and services operated by Belizeans or expats who are Belizean residents. Our many trips to Belize mean we know where to find the birds. In fact, Ebird shows Yellowbilled Tours’ owner, Rich Cimino, in the top 100 of Belize birding with 379 species observed. These trips bring together birding enthusiasts in a small group where many new friendships are formed.
The 2024 field trips are limited to 6 participants on each trip. A minimum of 4 will be required to proceed with the trip. This field trip offers birders with limited Central American birding experience a great introduction into birding the tropics. Custom and Private field trips for couples can be arranged also.

Tropical Birding Trip Registration
For Yellowbilled Tours Belize 2024 field trip registration details, call or email Rich Cimino.
Cell: 925-353-0266 – email:

Tropical Birding Trip Itinerary
Plan to arrive at the Phillip Gordon Intl. Airport by 3PM to begin Birding Belize on Sunday March 10, 2024, Day 1. We will meet you outside the Belize International Airport and begin our drive to Crooked Tree Preserve.
DAY 1 Bird in Belize District in route to Birds Eye View Lodge.
Day 2 March 11, : We are scheduled for an exciting boat trip on the Crooked Tree Lagoon and up Spanish Creek seeking the Snail Kite, Great Black Hawk, Belted, Pygmy and Green Kingfishers, Wood Stork, Jabiru, Roseate Spoonbill and other wading bird species. In addition, we’ll look for the Wood Rail and the Ruddy Crake as well as sandpipers staging for their migration north. White-rump Sandpiper is possible as is Semipalmated Sandpiper. On our return we will walk local trails. Here we may see four species of Orioles —Hooded, Baltimore, Orchard and Black-cowled Oriole plus Great Kiskadee, and Boat-billed Flycatcher. Late morning we’ll bird Woodcreeper Woods in search of Ruddy and Tawny-winged woodcreepers. After lunch we stay locally in search of warblers along the Limpkin Boardwalk. On the Savannah Pine habitat trail, we’ll be looking for Bat Falcon plus Yellow-headed and Yellow-lored Parrots, Olive-throated Parakeets and Yucatan Jays.
Day 3 March 12, The morning of March 5, we will drive southwest along the Hummingbird highway stopping at a wetland hotspot. We will be lodging in Hopkins for two days near the Caribbean Sea. Hopkins is a laid-back beach village with great wetlands and forest birding nearby. The entrance to Hopkins Village, there is huge Wetlands to the west. We stop to bird this wetland and other hotspots. Also, we will bird the Caribbean Sea, with sightings of gulls, terns, and shorebirds. The village has wonderful restaurants walking distance from our lodging.
Day 4, March 13: We will be birding locations in the Maya Mountains such as Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary which is a humid tropical forest. We can expect to see several species like Puffbird, Toucans, Toucanet, Hummingbirds, Manakins, Tyrant Flycatchers, Vaux’s Swifts, Euphonias, Saltators, Pigeons, Doves, Golden-hooded Tanager, Wood Warblers, and Orioles. The Scarlet Macaw is a key focus species for us.
Day 5 March 14: After breakfast, we depart to the western part of Belize, just miles from the Guatemala border. Our destination is Nabitunich Guest Ranch driving the Hummingbird Highway. There will be several key birding locations in the Maya Mountains along this roadway including Mountain Pine Preserve. Other habitats we’ll bird are grasslands, wetlands, and jungle forest. We will seek the species mentioned above plus Brown Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Meadow Lark, Hepatic Tanager, Bananaquit and Parrot species.
DAY 6 March 15: Birding Pine Mountain Preserve Belize and Green Hills Butterfly Ranch: In the morning we will bird the lowlands of Mountain Pine Forest Preserve. The birding is very good here for raptors with a mixture of grasslands, forest, and riparian habitats. Key species we may find here are Hawks, Kites, Euphonias, Tityras, Band-backed Wren, Thick-billed Seed Finch, Variable Seedeater, Grassland Yellow Finch and Giant Cowbird, Laughing Falcon and Bat Falcon and possible Plumbeous Kite. Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve is known for raptors. After lunch during the warmer afternoon we will settle in to the gardens of the Green hills Butterfly Ranch. Where we can watch and photgraph up to eight species of Hummingbirds and passerines too. Day 7 March 16, After breakfast and check out in the we begin our road trip to Belize City. We will contintue to bird stopping at Guanacaste National Park on our way to Belize City. Your field trip ends once in Belize City airport. If you plan to visit the Belizean Caye’s or have a next day flight, I can recommend the Best Western Biltmore Hotel in Belize City for your lodging. Best Western Hotel has a shuttle service for pick-up in the airport for shuttle to the hotel.

Tropical Birding Trip Prices
The cost of the Belize field trip including Tikal Guatemala is $ 3300.00. We need a minimum of 4 participants for the trip to go. The fee includes lodging, meals, transportation, fuel, Park entrance fees and field guides. Not covered are airfares, alcoholic beverages, and food or meals not provided by the lodges. Gratuities are optional. A $2000.00 deposit is required upon registration. The balance of $1300.00 is due on January 3, 2024. For smaller groups a surcharge for a small group of 3 participants of $900.00 per attendee. If you must cancel with in 60 days of the field trip a administrative fee of $900.00 will be applied. After the balance is paid, there can be no refund unless a replacement can be found.
Please contact Rich with questions and support in airline reservations.
Check out our latest client testimonials for this tropical birding trip.